Welcome to the official website of Suzhou Dexin Ceramic New Materials Co., Ltd,Consultation hotline:0512-68182825 / 67519469 / 67519479

Professional supplier of ceramic fiber cloth, foam ceramic filter, fireproof cloth, high-precision industrial ceramics, casting ceramics and refractory materials

Contact Contact Us
Suzhou Dexin Ceramic New Materials Co., Ltd
Telephone: 0512-68182825
Circadian Hotline: 13776067838
Fax: 0512-68182835
Address: No. 65, Zijin Road, Huqiu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu, China
Zip code: 215011
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Fine industrial ceramics

Product parameter

Fine industrial ceramics
Product classification: 70 porcelain -99 porcelain, zirconia, mullite, cordierite and other ceramic products, insulation ceramic parts, textile ceramic parts, porous ceramics, fine refractory ceramics and other structural ceramic materials production, ceramic plates, ceramic crucibles, ceramic rods, ceramic tubes, distribution plates, ceramic irons and other special-shaped ceramic products, etc
Application scope: Casting, electronics, electrical appliances, mechanical equipment; Resistant to high pressure, high temperature, easy to wear, and wear-resistant parts.
