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Professional supplier of ceramic fiber cloth, foam ceramic filter, fireproof cloth, high-precision industrial ceramics, casting ceramics and refractory materials

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Which is better, ceramic fiber paper gasket or ceramic fiber cloth gasket?

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/3/25 13:31:49 Hits:1015

Which is better, Ceramic Fiber Paperor Ceramic Fiber Cloth gasket? What are the similarities and differences between the two? Which application has the best effect? Which price is lower? How to distinguish?

Ceramic fiber paper gasket and ceramic fiber cloth gasket are the two most widely used high-temperature insulation sealing gaskets. Which of these two hot plates is better? It can only be said that it is dedicated, as long as it is suitable. Let's take a look at the raw material processing of the two gaskets.

As the name suggests, ceramic fiber paper gasket is a high-temperature insulation sealing gasket made by cutting or stamping ceramic fiber paper.
Ceramic Fiber Paperis made from a combination of high-purity ceramic fibers and a small amount that has been scientifically selected and strictly controlled. The wet vacuum forming process makes the fiber distribution very uniform, and the thickness and volume density of aluminum silicate fiber paper can be strictly controlled, completely ablating during use.

As the name suggests, ceramic fiber cloth gasket is a high-temperature isolation sealing gasket made by cutting or sewing ceramic fiber cloth.

Ceramic fiber cloth is made of heat-resistant alloy wire or alkali free glass yarn. Ceramic fiber cloth products have high strength and good flexibility. Strong processability, not only with high-temperature insulation performance, but also with the flexibility of ordinary textiles. Can process industries such as fire-resistant clothing, fire blankets, and insulation sleeves. Civil fire-resistant and heat-insulating products.

二、The commonalities between Ceramic Fiber Paper gaskets and ceramic fiber cloth gaskets.

1. Common characteristics of ceramic fiber high-temperature partition gaskets.
(1) High temperature resistant, fiber paper, cloth high-temperature insulation gasket with a temperature range of about 1000 ℃.
(2) Low thermal conductivity, low thermal capacity, and good insulation performance.
Good electrical insulation performance, no conductivity at high temperatures.
Good mechanical processing performance, suitable for cutting, sawing, punching, etc.
The fibers are flexible, elastic, and have good sealing performance.
The slag ball content is low, and it will not wear the flat surfaces on both sides of the high-temperature insulation gasket.
1. Stable chemical properties, anti-corrosion, and long service life.
2. High temperature insulation sheets do not contain asbestos, are environmentally friendly, have less heating, smoke, and odor. High grade paper is smokeless and odorless.
Next:Are the application fields of ceramic fiber cloth and paper the same?